Passport Queue
if any of u mortals go to a passport queue or been there already, i wish god have mercy on ur soul, and hope the passport verification officer too. A couple of days back, i had to get up early and go and stand in the passport office q, when i reached there it was 50 ms long already, but someone had been waiting for us, and we were lucky to b only 30 m away. but the jehad took us two hrs, where u heard all sorts of swears, guards shoving dalals, people cursing the clerks and whatever ur imagination can foresee
Well finally at the stroke of noon, i was only 2 spots away, but the ATM(Aunty turned Mod) had about 200 appplications on her, and it seemed to take her forver and ever. Then thankfully the next applicant was a infant(LUCKY him) who brought 3 people along as his bodyguards!!! like the movies
Finally about 12 20, i get done with the stuff and i called home to see if the nearest cinema was screening sarkar. Funny are the ways of the lord, it turned out to b a 12 30 show, so i zipped like Alonso and straight into the parking where the bomb squad wanabes checked my car. after the usual formalities i got in and there was a James trailor playing, i thot i had missed the start of yet another movie, but luckily i dint. then the movie started
u can start n reviews abt the movie, what u cant take away from it is the sheer brilliance with which it has been done, apart from being inspired by the godfather, this movie has great elements which are of relevance to indians, such as family jhamelas. fast paced with great dialouges and great screenplay, master star cast, this flick has it all. i used to think indian filmmakers suck, but ramu's flick has a grip which is hard to put into words. so here's to gen present's best filmmaker for a stunning flick.
The lord sure has his ways, after 200 years in the passport queue, u get to see sarkar, when it was totally unplanned. He's got the whole world in his hands
Well finally at the stroke of noon, i was only 2 spots away, but the ATM(Aunty turned Mod) had about 200 appplications on her, and it seemed to take her forver and ever. Then thankfully the next applicant was a infant(LUCKY him) who brought 3 people along as his bodyguards!!! like the movies
Finally about 12 20, i get done with the stuff and i called home to see if the nearest cinema was screening sarkar. Funny are the ways of the lord, it turned out to b a 12 30 show, so i zipped like Alonso and straight into the parking where the bomb squad wanabes checked my car. after the usual formalities i got in and there was a James trailor playing, i thot i had missed the start of yet another movie, but luckily i dint. then the movie started
u can start n reviews abt the movie, what u cant take away from it is the sheer brilliance with which it has been done, apart from being inspired by the godfather, this movie has great elements which are of relevance to indians, such as family jhamelas. fast paced with great dialouges and great screenplay, master star cast, this flick has it all. i used to think indian filmmakers suck, but ramu's flick has a grip which is hard to put into words. so here's to gen present's best filmmaker for a stunning flick.
The lord sure has his ways, after 200 years in the passport queue, u get to see sarkar, when it was totally unplanned. He's got the whole world in his hands
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